Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad

Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad

Chanel Couture Spring 2018

Elle Canada / AD Jed Tallo

WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Beauty Skeptic
Overwhelmed by the panoply of bottles, she pulled a Marie Kondo and stripped down her routine, yet still swipes unisex products from her partner.

WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Old-Schooler
She slathers vintage Frankincense oil on her face, before falling asleep with a dusty tome, dreaming of the court of the Queen of Hungary.

WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Goop Disciple
Her not-so-secret stash of CBD-infused products are stored next to a jade roller to promote harmony and balance within the marble beauty cabinet.

WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The ‘Barefoot Contessa’ Fan
Wearing a loose linen wrap, she smears organic olive oil and raspberry seed oil sensually on her face as pie fumes infuse the beach house.

Unpublished Drawing

Unpublished Drawing

Unpublished Drawing

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Nickelodeon for Design on a Dime / AD Christopher Groll

Nickelodeon for Design on a Dime / AD Christopher Groll

Bloomberg Businessweek / AD Chandra Elise

Budget Travel / AD Chalkley Calderwood

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Bumble and bumble. / AD Erin Collis

Bumble and bumble. / AD Erin Collis

Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg

Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg

Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg

Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg

Bumble and bumble. / Xmas Card

Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad
Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad
In Soft Focus / AD Sammi Smith
Chanel Couture Spring 2018
Elle Canada / AD Jed Tallo
WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Beauty Skeptic
Overwhelmed by the panoply of bottles, she pulled a Marie Kondo and stripped down her routine, yet still swipes unisex products from her partner.
WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Old-Schooler
She slathers vintage Frankincense oil on her face, before falling asleep with a dusty tome, dreaming of the court of the Queen of Hungary.
WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The Goop Disciple
Her not-so-secret stash of CBD-infused products are stored next to a jade roller to promote harmony and balance within the marble beauty cabinet.
WSJ / AD Forest Evashevski
The ‘Barefoot Contessa’ Fan
Wearing a loose linen wrap, she smears organic olive oil and raspberry seed oil sensually on her face as pie fumes infuse the beach house.
Unpublished Drawing
Unpublished Drawing
Unpublished Drawing
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Nickelodeon for Design on a Dime / AD Christopher Groll
Nickelodeon for Design on a Dime / AD Christopher Groll
Bloomberg Businessweek / AD Chandra Elise
Budget Travel / AD Chalkley Calderwood
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Bumble and bumble. / AD Erin Collis
Bumble and bumble. / AD Erin Collis
Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg
Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg
Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg
Savannah Stranger / AD Alexis Schimberg, Photos by Jason Frank Rothenberg
Bumble and bumble. / Xmas Card