Globe Style / AD Benjamin MacDonald

World Wildlife Magazine / AD carla Delgado

New York Magazine / AD Ashley Smestad Vélez

World Wildlife Magazine / AD Carla Delgado

MacLean’s / AD Anna Minzhulina

Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones

Bon Appétit



Avenue Magazine / AD Courtney Gooch

Bon Appétit

The Wall Street Journal / AD Forest Evashevski

Globe Style / AD Ben MacDonald

All proceeds went to @navajostrong:

The New York Times / AD Sasha Portis
This drawing is my little ode to delivery people. They’re putting themselves at great risk to keep this city running while medical staff are on the front lines. If you’re able, tip very generously.


Countdown Magazine / AD Jaclyn Steinberg

Milwaukee Magazine / AD Chelsea Fischer and Libby Lang

Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones

Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones

Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones

Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones

Family Circle / AD Jaclyn Loney

The New York Times / AD Jim Datz

Family Circle Magazine / AD Ji Soo An

Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe

Contributed to Riposte Magazine’s Protection Exhibition
Protection is an exhibition from Riposte in aid of Amnesty International UK to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 100% of profits from all sales will be donated to Amnesty International UK.
Tender Age
When I saw these boys sleeping on the bus, I was struck by how vulnerable they looked. Children, especially children in distress, need our protection. In the United States refugee and migrant youths are being torn from their families and placed in “Tender-Age Facilities”—more than 14,000 children are currently being detained. This is how we treat vulnerable children in America in 2018. - Lauren Tamaki

Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney

The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.

The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.

The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.

The Hollywood Reporter / AD Peter Cury

Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney

Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney

Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Food & Wine / AD Winslow Taft

VELOUR, @thedragmagazine / AD Johnny Velour
Michael's Craft Shop,
Barracks Road Shopping Center
by Wo Chan
Six fifteen PM and I only got ten
minutes before my eyebrow waxing
appointment stumbling to for & between
the aisles looking for glitter spray asking
where the fuck the bathroom is girl needs
to shit with her five bags filled with high heel
shoes kabuki brush Spanx and turquoise beads,
faux—flowers brilliant around me—why here,
are you, acned teen man, face tattooed too,
head ascending the escalator across
from me descending, me staring rude,
pierced chin, metal chestplate, our eyes side-cross.
Cinnamon scented craft shop, crown of skulls;
goth king rising while a drag queen falls.

Saveur Magazine / AD Richard Baker

Saveur Magazine / AD Richard Baker

The Washington Post / AD Lizzie Hart

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

The New York Times / AD Andrew Sondern

StubHub / AD Ian Karczewski

The Hollywood Reporter / AD Peter Cury

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

The Walrus Magazine / AD Brian Morgan
Gold Medal Winner, National Magazine Awards 2018


The Wall Street Journal / AD Alice Cheung,

Atlanta Magazine / AD Rachel Hortman

Unpublished job

Unpublished job

Unpublished job

Unpublished job

The Walrus / AD Meredith Holigroski

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

German GQ / AD Jana Meier Roberts

The Wall Street Journal / AD Forest Evashevski

Lenny Letter / AD Laia Garcia

San Francisco Magazine / AD Margaret Swart, O Banquinho

Selected for American Illustration 35

Selected for American Illustration 35

Selected for Society of Illustrators 59
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Selected for Society of Illustrators 59
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!


Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Mental Floss / Winslow Taft

Scholastic Magazine / AD Marilu Lopez

GOOD Magazine / AD Katie Wudel

Tommy Hilfiger / AD Adam Schwartz

Check out the sketchbook tumblr!

Globe Style / AD Benjamin MacDonald
World Wildlife Magazine / AD carla Delgado
New York Magazine / AD Ashley Smestad Vélez
World Wildlife Magazine / AD Carla Delgado
MacLean’s / AD Anna Minzhulina
Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones
Bon Appétit
Avenue Magazine / AD Courtney Gooch
Bon Appétit
The Wall Street Journal / AD Forest Evashevski
Globe Style / AD Ben MacDonald
All proceeds went to @navajostrong:
The New York Times / AD Sasha Portis
This drawing is my little ode to delivery people. They’re putting themselves at great risk to keep this city running while medical staff are on the front lines. If you’re able, tip very generously.
Countdown Magazine / AD Jaclyn Steinberg
Milwaukee Magazine / AD Chelsea Fischer and Libby Lang
Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones
Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones
Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones
Family Circle / AD Alyce Jones
Family Circle / AD Jaclyn Loney
The New York Times / AD Jim Datz
Family Circle Magazine / AD Ji Soo An
Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe
Contributed to Riposte Magazine’s Protection Exhibition
Protection is an exhibition from Riposte in aid of Amnesty International UK to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 100% of profits from all sales will be donated to Amnesty International UK.
Tender Age
When I saw these boys sleeping on the bus, I was struck by how vulnerable they looked. Children, especially children in distress, need our protection. In the United States refugee and migrant youths are being torn from their families and placed in “Tender-Age Facilities”—more than 14,000 children are currently being detained. This is how we treat vulnerable children in America in 2018. - Lauren Tamaki
Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney
The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.
The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.
The Vault / AD Erin McGee
Written by Erin Klassen
In this short story, our narrator’s warping of time allows her to seek who and what she needs, even if she might not know it yet. If everything fleeting can be chased and revisited, ephemerality is a gift. “Time only matters when we consider how much we have left,” she says, while she takes us along in cab rides with Lou Reed, to parties with philosophizing “weirdo art gallery friends” and 1970s glitterati. It’s a joyride, and like any high we know the crash could be coming soon. After all, the people around her are yearning for something, too.
The Hollywood Reporter / AD Peter Cury
Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney
Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney
Family Circle Magazine / AD Jaclyn Loney
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Food & Wine / AD Winslow Taft
VELOUR, @thedragmagazine / AD Johnny Velour
Michael's Craft Shop,
Barracks Road Shopping Center
by Wo Chan
Six fifteen PM and I only got ten
minutes before my eyebrow waxing
appointment stumbling to for & between
the aisles looking for glitter spray asking
where the fuck the bathroom is girl needs
to shit with her five bags filled with high heel
shoes kabuki brush Spanx and turquoise beads,
faux—flowers brilliant around me—why here,
are you, acned teen man, face tattooed too,
head ascending the escalator across
from me descending, me staring rude,
pierced chin, metal chestplate, our eyes side-cross.
Cinnamon scented craft shop, crown of skulls;
goth king rising while a drag queen falls.
Saveur Magazine / AD Richard Baker
Saveur Magazine / AD Richard Baker
The Washington Post / AD Lizzie Hart
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
The New York Times / AD Andrew Sondern
StubHub / AD Ian Karczewski
The Hollywood Reporter / AD Peter Cury
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
The Walrus Magazine / AD Brian Morgan
Gold Medal Winner, National Magazine Awards 2018
The Wall Street Journal / AD Alice Cheung,
Atlanta Magazine / AD Rachel Hortman
Unpublished job
Unpublished job
Unpublished job
Unpublished job
The Walrus / AD Meredith Holigroski
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
German GQ / AD Jana Meier Roberts
The Wall Street Journal / AD Forest Evashevski
Lenny Letter / AD Laia Garcia
San Francisco Magazine / AD Margaret Swart, O Banquinho
Selected for American Illustration 35
Selected for American Illustration 35
Selected for Society of Illustrators 59
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Selected for Society of Illustrators 59
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!
Mental Floss / Winslow Taft
Scholastic Magazine / AD Marilu Lopez
GOOD Magazine / AD Katie Wudel
Tommy Hilfiger / AD Adam Schwartz
Check out the sketchbook tumblr!