The New Yorker / AD Victor Guan

The Globe & Mail / AD Ben MacDonald

The Atlantic / AD Paul Spella

Brick Literary Magazine

Globe Style / AD Ben MacDonald

Bon Appétit

World Wildlife Magazine / AD Carla Delgado

Brick Literary Magazine

Brick Literary Magazine

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Avenue Magazine / AD Courtney Gooch

Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr

The Globe & Mail / AD Ben MacDonald


The New Yorker / AD Nicholas Konrad

Living Beauty Inc. Journal 01. / AD Jed Tallo

Living Beauty Inc. Journal 01. / AD Jed Tallo

The New Yorker / AD Neeta Patel

The Globe & Mail / AD Benjamin McDonald

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Brick Literary Magazine

The New York Times / AD Jim Datz

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Brick Literary Magazine

Precedent Magazine

The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin

The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin

The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin

The Atlantic / AD Paul Spella

New York Magazine / The Cut

The Walrus / AD Paul Kim

Criterion Collection / AD Eric Skillman

Foreign Policy / AD Adam Griffiths

Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford

Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford

Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford

Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford

Brick Literary Magazine

Maison Formae / AD Maiarelli Studio

Variety / AD Haley Kluge

Vanity Fair/ AD Ashely Smestad

Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad

Vanity Fair / AD Adriana Garcia

National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi

National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi

National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi

National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi

OH-SO magazine / AD Rob Hewitt

Brick Literary Magazine

Vanity Fair / AD Adriana Garcia

Vanity Fair / AD Marina Grinshpun

Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe

Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

The Strombo Show / AD George Stroumboulopoulos
Poster for a concert celebrating Joni Mitchell’s 75 birthday

Good Company Magazine / AD George McCalman

The New York Times / AD Hannah K Lee

Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery

Stubhub / AD Ian Karczewski

Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal

Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal

Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal

Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal

Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal

The New Yorker / AD Aviva Michaelov

Vanity Fair / AD Lauren Jones

Private Commission

Food & Wine / AD Winslow Taft

the Globe and Mail / AD Bryan Gee

Society of Illustrators / AD Alexandra Zsigmond

Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr

Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr

The Lily / AD Rachel Orr

Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender

Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender

Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender

Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender

GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne


Polaris Heritage Music Prize / AD Office of Gilbert Li


The New York Times / AD Alexandra Zsigmond

The New York Times / AD Jim Datz

New York Magazine / AD Thomas Alberty

Lenny Letter / AD Laia Garcia

GQ Magazine / AD Griffin Funk

MoneySense / AD John Montgomery

Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine

Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine

Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine

Buzzfeed Reader / AD Ben King

The New York Times Magazine / AD Frank Augugliaro

New York Magazine / AD Thomas Alberty

New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty

New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty

New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty

Wildsam & Jack Erwin / AD Taylor Bruce

GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne

Food & WIne / AD James Maikowski

The New York Times / AD Grant Gold

Cole Haan / AD Andy Grey

Teaching Tolerance Magazine / AD Michelle Leland

GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne

The New Yorker / AD Victor Guan
The Globe & Mail / AD Ben MacDonald
The Atlantic / AD Paul Spella
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Vox/AD Paige Vickers
Brick Literary Magazine
Globe Style / AD Ben MacDonald
Bon Appétit
World Wildlife Magazine / AD Carla Delgado
Brick Literary Magazine
Brick Literary Magazine
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Avenue Magazine / AD Courtney Gooch
Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr
The Globe & Mail / AD Ben MacDonald
The New Yorker / AD Nicholas Konrad
Living Beauty Inc. Journal 01. / AD Jed Tallo
Living Beauty Inc. Journal 01. / AD Jed Tallo
The New Yorker / AD Neeta Patel
The Globe & Mail / AD Benjamin McDonald
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Brick Literary Magazine
The New York Times / AD Jim Datz
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Brick Literary Magazine
Precedent Magazine
The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin
The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin
The Atlantic / AD Kate Martin
The Atlantic / AD Paul Spella
New York Magazine / The Cut
The Walrus / AD Paul Kim
Criterion Collection / AD Eric Skillman
Foreign Policy / AD Adam Griffiths
Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford
Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford
Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford
Entertainment Weekly / AD Faith Stafford
Brick Literary Magazine
Maison Formae / AD Maiarelli Studio
Variety / AD Haley Kluge
Vanity Fair/ AD Ashely Smestad
Vanity Fair / AD Ashley Smestad
Vanity Fair / AD Adriana Garcia
National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi
National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi
National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi
National Geographic / AD Marianne Seregi
OH-SO magazine / AD Rob Hewitt
Brick Literary Magazine
Vanity Fair / AD Adriana Garcia
New York Magazine / The Cut
Date Paper / AD Simonetta Nieto
Vanity Fair / AD Marina Grinshpun
Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe
Vanity Fair / AD Kaitlyn Pepe
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
The Strombo Show / AD George Stroumboulopoulos
Poster for a concert celebrating Joni Mitchell’s 75 birthday
Good Company Magazine / AD George McCalman
The New York Times / AD Hannah K Lee
Reader’s Digest Canada / AD John Montgomery
Stubhub / AD Ian Karczewski
Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal
Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal
Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal
Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal
Wealthsimple Magazine / AD Chelsea Cardinal
The New Yorker / AD Aviva Michaelov
Vanity Fair / AD Lauren Jones
Private Commission
Food & Wine / AD Winslow Taft
the Globe and Mail / AD Bryan Gee
Society of Illustrators / AD Alexandra Zsigmond
Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr
Entertainment Weekly / AD Chuck Kerr
The Lily / AD Rachel Orr
Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender
Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender
Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender
Dad Material / Riposte Magazine / AD Danielle Pender
GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne
Polaris Heritage Music Prize / AD Office of Gilbert Li
The New York Times / AD Alexandra Zsigmond
The New York Times / AD Jim Datz
New York Magazine / AD Thomas Alberty
Lenny Letter / AD Laia Garcia
GQ Magazine / AD Griffin Funk
MoneySense / AD John Montgomery
Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine
Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine
Ace Hotel & Riposte Magazine
Buzzfeed Reader / AD Ben King
The New York Times Magazine / AD Frank Augugliaro
New York Magazine / AD Thomas Alberty
New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty
New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty
New York Magazine / Thomas Alberty
Wildsam & Jack Erwin / AD Taylor Bruce
Wildsam Field Guides
/ AD Taylor Bruce
Check out the entire project here!
GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne
Food & WIne / AD James Maikowski
The New York Times / AD Grant Gold
Cole Haan / AD Andy Grey
Teaching Tolerance Magazine / AD Michelle Leland
GOOD Magazine / AD Tyler Hoehne